Friday, October 3, 2008


Located in front of the Herberger Theatre is a group of twelve larger-than-life bronze sculptures. Artist John Henry Waddell created these sculptures for the city of Phoenix to be placed in front of the old Civic Plaza which was located in front of Symphony Hall. They were placed in that plaza in 1971 and remained there until construction started on a new convention center in 2006. They now adorn the open space in front of the theatre.


  1. I've always loved Waddell's work and think that these sculpture actually look better in front of the Herberger. A lot of people were sad to see the plaza in front of Symphony Hall consumed by the Convention Center, but I think it's for the best. That plaza had minimal shade and baked in the hot summer sun. The build up of the Convention Center is an important step toward a denser city core.

  2. THese are so lovely and whimsical. I really like Waddell's work, too.

  3. I just had a great idea Sharon. You could feature a close up of one larger than life nude dancer for each of the next 12 days. Whad'ya think?

    I'm pretty sure we don't have any of Waddell's work here in Vancouver. But I'll be keeping my eyes open.

  4. Great art display in the heart of the city.

  5. thank u for saw my weblog.this statue is beautiful.

  6. those look so pretty there, i love it when you can go up close to sculptures

  7. These sculptures are so graceful and lovely. We have hundreds of sculptures in the city I live in, Jeddah - but there are none like this. First of all, because of the religion, no sculptures of people are permitted. And secondly, nudes would be strictly prohibited!

  8. One nit, Sharon: I believe those statues are life-size, not larger than life.

    The latter would really give me nightmares...: )
