Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Color Coordination

When buying a new sweater or jacket, I always think about how the color will fit in with a certain skirt or pair of slacks. In order to look good, a certain degree of color engineering is desirable in one’s attire. However, I must admit, I’ve never felt the need to coordinate my car with my house as this homeowner has done.

So, what do you think? Was the house painted to match the car or was the car painted to match the house?


  1. That's a great shot! They really match! :-) The car is so cool? Is it a Buick?

  2. The car needs some of that fireplace mauve in it. What's the artwork on the fireplace? A bird?

  3. This is a fun shot Sharon.

    I'm won't speculate on what the homeowners might have been thinking or smoking.

    The car is a gem.

  4. Pat, I think it might be a dragonfly.

  5. This is what the future was supposed to look like.

  6. Haha, Sharon, this is cute, I love this picture, I guess the owner is a perfectionist, funny shot. :)

  7. Great combination for a quick look, but a surfeit of it might cause the appetite to sicken and so die...?

  8. OMG
    It's not easy being green

    (sorry, could not refuse)

  9. I admit, I always consider the color of my house when getting a new car...cuz I want the whole picture of house + car in driveway to look nice.

    That's a GREAT car!

  10. I kind of like the idea... That dark green is one of favorite colors and that car is a piece of art all on its own.
    Nice shot.
