Saturday, August 24, 2024

Rainbow Out My Window


On Thursday evening while I watching the Democratic National Convention on TV, I kept hearing the wind blowing and the windows rattling a bit.  I walked out on my balcony just in time to catch a rainbow shining over the southeastern sky.  

The storm clouds rolling in were very dark but the rain in my area was minimal.  I'm sure the east valley cities got a lot more rain.  


RedPat said...

I haven't seen a rainbow in ages, Sharon. Lucky you.

Steve Reed said...

That's a nice rainbow! Despite all the rain here I don't often see them. I guess we don't often get rain and sun together!

Travel said...

Rain in the desert is a special experience.

Bill said...

I'm always looking for a rainbow but haven't seen one for a while. You caught a really nice one.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful. Glad you didn't miss it, and thanks for sharing!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Oh, and maybe it's an omen of good things to come?!