Friday, August 23, 2024

Pointing My Camera at Plants


I have a few more photos pulled from my archives today.  Above is a date palm laden with fruit in the khalal-stage of maturity.  I learned that the fruit of date palms go through four phases of maturity, Kimri, Khalal, Rutab and Tamar.  This photo was taken in Tucson several years ago.

I photographed the big patch of black-eyed Susans when I was in Oregon in 2022.  I can't help but smile when I come across a sunny group of flowers like this.

I took this photo when I was in Santa Fe last year.  I think this might be a flowering plum tree.  It was too pretty to pass up.

This one was taken in Oklahoma City just two months ago.  I saw hydrangea plants blooming all over the city center.  Since I never see them here, they were a treat for my eyes.

It was ten years ago when I was in San Jose California to go to the Egyptian Museum there.  That's where I saw an abundance of papyrus plants growing all over the grounds of the museum.  They fit perfectly into the Egyptian atmosphere.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice captures of the plants

Diaday said...

Seeing photos of various flowers and plants is a lovely way to start the day. Thank you!

Travel said...

The world of wonders around us.

RedPat said...

Love the plum flowers, Sharon. The Black-eyed Susans are flowering everywhere here right now.

Bill said...

The plants are gorgeous looking.

roentare said...

The flowers are so super pretty

Steve Reed said...

That plum tree is beautiful. I'm surprised hydrangeas grow in Oklahoma City. Seems like it would be awfully hot for them there! (Not that I've ever been.)