Saturday, August 10, 2024

An Alternate Route


When I left the Shemer Art Center last Friday, I decided to take a different route back home.  I would usually drive along busy Camelback Road but, this time I decided to drive through the residential neighborhood behind the Shemer Art Center.  I'm glad I did.  I found some lovely houses along the streets.  This one with its ivy covered front was especially appealing.

This one with its vine covered arch over the entrance is also very nice.  In fact, there were lots of nice houses along this street.  I'm glad I took the long way home.


Travel said...

Take the road less traveled.

RedPat said...

That 1st one looks so inviting to me, Sharon.

Catarina said...

Gorgeous houses.

Bill said...

They both are very attractive.

Steve Reed said...

Looks like a nice neighborhood! It always pays to vary one's route. :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful, majestic homes. So much greenery that I wouldn't have guessed Phoenix as the location!

biebkriebels said...

Very pretty Houses indeed!

Diaday said...

You can find so many lovely photo opportunities on the long way home.