Friday, July 5, 2024

Time to Say Goodbye


I purchased this little statue in Mexico probably 30 years ago.  He's moved with me twice.  When I had the house with the big yard, he sat outside among some potted plants.  When I moved to the apartment, he found a place on my balcony.

A little while ago I noticed that his arm had fallen off and then upon closer inspection I see that he's lost a foot and his head is looking a bit like he's been scalped.  He's in pretty bad shape and he looks a bit tired from carrying that vessel on his back all these years.

I think it's time to say goodbye.  So long little fellow, I'll miss you.


roentare said...

Looks like an archeological find

biebkriebels said...

He must have been very tired the poor guy....

Travel said...

He has weathered a bit.

Catarina said...

I thought it was an archeological find.
I suppose it is time for him to retire. : )

RedPat said...

He looks very very old, Sharon.

Linda said...

He does look a little shabby, but it sounds like he's had an interesting life while moving around with you. Sometimes saying goodbye to an object you've enjoyed is difficult, sometimes not so much. Good luck with your choice.

Allison said...

Bye Bye little guy. It's sad when objects we've had for years give up their body parts.

Bill said...

He's tired and old. Rest little man!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

He does look a bit worse for wear, but I can see why you've been attached to him all these years. He's got character!

Gemel said...

Bless him. he obviously brought you a lot of joy over the years. A beautiful piece, even in his tattered state.

Aimz said...

He may be a bit worn but I'm sure he's well loved.