Saturday, July 13, 2024

Office to Condos Update


Back in 2020 I posted about an office building on Central and Camelback that was being converted to condos.  Apparently, it's been quite a big project because the building is still not done.  However, as this photo shows, it is getting near.  You can see from that old post that the building has undergone a big change.  The only thing that remains the same is the shape of the building.  It now looks completely different.  


Diaday said...

So many office buildings being converted to condos. It's a good way to repurpose.

Travel said...

Few people are ever going to return to five days a week in the office. A great use of the space.

RedPat said...

It is a good idea but apparently it is the plumbing changes that need to be made that cause such a delay and a lot of expenses. It looks much nicer than the old look, Sharon.

Bill said...

The building is looking good. The condos could sell fast due to the shortage of housing.

roentare said...

The shape of the building is unique

Steve Reed said...

It looks much better now! I bet those condos will be nice.

Aimz said...

They would get a good view from up there.

William Kendall said...

That is a big conversion.