Sunday, July 7, 2024

Observations Along the Way


Here are few observations I've made in the past week or two.  I was having lunch at a restaurant close to home when a young lady came in with her handsome dog.  She was seated across from me and her dog immediately went under the table and remained there patiently waiting.  I think he saw me when I snapped the photo.

To the right one of those little free libraries.  I hadn't seen one in a while so this one caught my eye.

I love shopping at World Market because they have such a great variety of international foods.  This shelf contained a lot of chips and snacks some from brands we recognize but flavors they don't sell here.  I've tried the crab flavored potato chips.  They were okay but I probably won't get them again.

Because of construction, I had to take a slight detour one day on my way home.  I saw this interesting yard ornament and it caught my eye.  There was a breeze and this thing was spinning away.


roentare said...

The street library box is really nice

Travel said...

My sister had a very well behaved German Shepherd - Blitz the Wonder Dog. World Market closed their store near me, I miss it.

RedPat said...

This is a fun post, Sharon. I can't get over how well behaved that dog is!

Diaday said...

What a fun post! Love the German Shepherd and the yard ornament. It looks like a giant sunflower.

Bill said...

What a nice and patient dog. We have some weird flavoured chips here too, prawn cocktail, lamb and mint, gin and tonic, roast beef. I haven't tried any of them. :)

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice wheel.

Gemel said...

We have a lot of street libraries here. That is one beautiful dog, he definitely knew you took his photo. The windmill is striking, I've seen similar ones here.