Saturday, July 20, 2024

Julius Caesar & Lots of Flowers


As you can see, I made my annual trip to Sherman Library & Gardens yesterday and I got to see good old Julius Caesar again.  He's the garden cat who lives at the gardens and occasionally greets guests.  Yesterday, the garden was preparing for a huge plant sale on Saturday and Sunday and Julius was very busy checking out all the vendors and their wares.  I took several photos of Julius but unfortunately they are all on my camera and I forgot to bring the adaptor to down load them.  

On this visit, I found this building with the roof covered in a flowering vine. I don't remember seeing that before.  I like it.

Here's a close up of the flowers on the vine.

I couldn't resist a photo of these exotic looking orchids.  

My friend and I had a wonderful lunch in the garden restaurant called "Dahlia".  They have a wonderful chef and the food is always excellent.

The fountain at the entrance to the garden is always surrounded by pretty flowers and every year they are different.  These pink flowers make a nice frame for the fountain.


Steve Reed said...

Nice! I love the vine on the roof. I remember seeing that vine in Florida but I can't remember what it's called. The pink flowers around the pool look like cannas, but I've never seen them in that color before.

Now you can have a future post focused on Julius!

Travel said...

Such a pretty place, and kitty.

RedPat said...

It looks like it was a nice escape from the desert, Sharon.

Bill said...

What a beautifu place and the kitty is a cutie.

roentare said...

That fountain stands out the best

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful location. Julius looks very regal!

Linda said...

Nice photos. I love the one of the building with the greenery on top. And that cat is stunning.