Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cool: A Matter of Perspective


When I woke up Sunday morning, I checked the temperature and it was only 86 degrees.  I say "only" because when temperatures run between 113 and 118, 86 sounds pretty darn cool.  I decided I should take a walk but I knew the temperature would rise quickly so it had to be a short walk.  I decided to drive to one of the historic neighborhoods and walk a bit.  That's were I found the vine covered houses I featured yesterday.  Today I have three more houses from that area.  This one has a Spanish "hacienda" look to it.

This one also has a Spanish look.  I like this one a lot.  That tree in front is giving the windows a bit of shade from that morning sun.

This one has the most unusual front window.   It gives this house a very unique look.


Stefan Jansson said...

Very nice. Minus the heat.

roentare said...

That heart shaped window is definitely unique

Travel said...

I am always surprised by two story houses in Phoenix, the upper floor must be hotter.

RedPat said...

The 3rd one look a bit like a church, Sharon.

Catarina said...

I like haciendas. I like those. : )

113 F = 45 C - Who dares go outdoors? The city will probably look like a "ghost city"...

Bill said...

All are attractive houses. The heat would be unbearable for me.

Gemel said...

I can relate, it's the same here in the summer. I do like the last home, that window is very original.

Aimz said...

Lovely sounds, seems like a pleasant sort of heat.