Saturday, July 27, 2024

Central & Clarendon


I snapped this photo two weeks ago when I was driving around central Phoenix.  I knew when I took the photo that I wanted to compare it to a building that used to be on this corner.  It took me a while to find that old post but here it is.  It was an old Mexican restaurant with a rather kitschy facade.  I made a comment to that post saying that I had worked in an architecturally beautiful building that was just across the street that had long been demolished but that the rather ugly restaurant was still there.  That was back in 2008.  Since that time, the old restaurant is gone and now these apartments have been put up in its place.  It gives that corner a much improved look.


roentare said...

These apartments look similar to the design here

Travel said...

That city continues to change and evolve.

RedPat said...

So many changes everywhere, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

What a weird-looking restaurant that was!

Bill said...

I agree with Steve.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I was expecting to see some cool old adobe restaurant. I usually like old better than new, but in this case, the new is an improvement!

Aimz said...

It looks like a very modern area.