Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Look Who's Back


I thought I saw a robin in the courtyard last week so I took my camera and went down to see if I was right.  Sure enough, this fellow was hopping across the lawn and picking up pieces here and there.  This year he wasn't the least bit skittish.  I stopped about two yards from him to take some photos and he stayed put and even appeared to pose.

He must have thought that I looked pretty harmless.  It was great to see the robins back again.  I only saw one this time.  Maybe more will arrive when that tree starts dropping its seeds.


roentare said...

It is looking back at you

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice of him I think.

biebkriebels said...

What a sweetie!

RedPat said...

They have been having a fine time here poking about in the wet grass since we have been having a lot of rain.

Catarina said...

I see robins in abundance in my area. I believe they are the ones announcing that spring has arrived. : )

Allison said...

We have many. They're spending their days eating the worms.

Steve Reed said...

One will bring more!