Wednesday, May 22, 2024

At the Watering Hole


A few birds I enjoyed watching at the Desert Botanical Garden a week ago.  They were all enjoying the water in the Contemplation Garden.  It's a favorite spot for the birds to get a drink of water and sometimes have a quick bath. Above is a house finch.

This little lesser goldfinch stopped by.

A white-winged dove needed a little drink of water.

And, a Gambel's Quail took his turn.


RedPat said...

They all must be so thankful to have that water available during your hot days, Sharon.

Catarina said...

Peacefully enjoying the water...

Steve Reed said...

Great shots! I rarely see anything other than a starling (or Olga) in our bird bath.

Stefan Jansson said...

Always fun with some bird shooting, I got a bird shot at the cemetery I showed you in my post although you have to go to Flickr to see it.

roentare said...

The birds bring positive energy

Aimz said...

Loving the birds, a couple of them we don't have here.