Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Visit to SkySong


I was near the SkySong Innovation campus of Arizona State University last weekend so I decided to take a drive through the campus to see what has changed.  The growth here is amazing.  I posted a photo back in 2012 when those pretty sails were more visible than they are now. There are a lot more buildings here now.

There are buildings on all four corners of this central spot that is covered by those sails.

It's still a good place to take some interesting photos.  Those sails are very appealing.


roentare said...

The canvas is beautiful

Steve Reed said...

They are nice, and probably wear well in such a dry climate. I think in England they'd get all gray and mildewed!

RedPat said...

Your shots are great, Sharon. At first I thought the sails were a Cirque de Soleil tent being set up.

Gemel said...

The last photo is very appealing.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like the way they look and sure is nice to have the shade. Reminds me a little of the Denver airport.

Travel said...

Pretty place.