Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What's Blooming


Here is a few of the things I saw blooming at the Desert Botanical Garden when I was there.  First is a bloom on the Texas Mountain Laurel.  

A perfectly shaped calla lily found in the butterfly pavilion.

Sea lavender was also in the pavilion and attracting lots of white butterflies.

I don't know what these are called.  If you know, let me know.  They are very pretty.

Above are some desert bluebells and to the right are some pretty, yellow desert marigolds.

Lots of pretty flowers to enjoy.  


William Kendall said...

These are lovely.

Andy said...

Beautiful tour of flours. This is what I call Eye Candy.

Travel said...

A pretty time of the year

biebkriebels said...

Wonderful pictures!

RedPat said...

Lovely shots to start my morning, Sharon.

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice mix of colors.

Catarina said...

They are so lovely!

Catalyst said...

Very nice.

Bill said...

Very pretty to see.

Aimz said...

Those lillies grow just about everywhere here, they self seed like weeds.

Steve Reed said...

Great shots! Those mystery flowers look sort of like our scabious, or pincushion flower. Maybe in the same family?