Thursday, March 16, 2023

Sculptures Around the Garden


There was an abundance of art to admire at the third house on the tour.  We start with these sculpted chairs.  These look a lot like they might have belonged to the Flintstones.  None of us tried to sit in them.  

This little lady was spotted hiding among the tall plants.

This might look like an ordinary table and chair but it is actually a sculpture.

This last piece is a sculpted bicycle that is also serves as a planter for more flowering plants.  

At this house, we were offered refreshments.  I loved the plate of mini-cupcakes adorned with "sculpted" icing.  They were made to look like a variety of botanicals.  What a nice touch!  They were tasty too!


William Kendall said...

Those cupcakes look delicious.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder why someone would have a sculpture of a table and chair when they could just have a table and chair?

Stefan Jansson said...

I would have tried the chairs!

Travel said...

I wonder if the chairs are comfortable,

RedPat said...

I thought that the cupcakes were a sculpture too. Totally different place from the first house, Sharon.

Catarina said...

The table and the chair with the hat are a nice touch.

Cloudia said...

Beauty and cupcakes! Now. This is a good post. Thank you

Bill said...

I thought the cupcakes were a sculpture too. :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well worth going around that house

Gemel said...

A beautiful space for relaxing.

Aimz said...

I really like how they've used the bike for a sculpture and somewhere to put nice plants, Id like to do that in my garden.