Monday, March 6, 2023



These two mural were found side-by-side in another alley.  It always surprises me to find murals in locations where so few people get to see them.

These both feature hummingbirds which are beautiful subjects for photography as well as paint.  The top mural had a signature of La Marena but the second one did not.  Since they were so close together, I thought they might be by the same artist but, they could very well be by two different artists.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.


biebkriebels said...

Beautiful murals you found!

roentare said...

Great artistic find!

Travel said...

The second blog of the morning with birds

Andy said...

Sharon it was worth it to take that extra step that others have neglected.

Mersad said...

So colorful and fun!

Mersad Donko Photography

Steve Reed said...

Nice! I'm guessing different artists, given the differences in the bodies of the birds. (Splayed tail in the second one.)

Stefan Jansson said...

Great art.

RedPat said...

They are both really good, Sharon. They make that a special place known to only a few.

Catarina said...

It seems they have been there for quite some time.

Sami said...

Nice bird murals Sharon.
Thanks for participating in Monday murals.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful work.

Bill said...

Beautifully done, I like them both.

Taken For Granted said...

Thanks for showing these murals. The humming birds look great.Now we all get to see them.

Aimz said...

I like the murals, I've never seen a hummingbird though

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I always feel so happy when I find a mural in an alley to which very few people are privy. These are both really lovely and well done murals, Sharon.