Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Look at What is Blooming


Those flowering pear trees are doing their annual flower show.  They always show up in February but this year I actually saw some blooms popping out that last week of January.  

I took a long walk Sunday afternoon and I'm afraid I got a little trigger happy taking photos of these beauties.  

The bees are just as happy to see these blooms as I am.

The sad thing is that they don't last very long.  By the end of February, most of the blooms will be gone.  So I along with the bees have to enjoy them while we can.


roentare said...

Beautiful cherry blossoms

Andy said...

Thank you sharing your blast of spring. I am looking forward to the longer days.

Travel said...

A sign of an early spring, I hope.

Stefan Jansson said...

Great to see. 1C here today.

RedPat said...

What a treat that was to open this post, Sharon. The blossoms are beautiful and give me hope that spring will come.

Steve Reed said...

They're beautiful while they last!

Bill said...

So pretty to see.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful.

Aimz said...

Hopefully Spring is on it's way for you, it definitely feels slightly cooler here.