Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Join Me on My Walk


Come along with me on my walk from last Sunday.

First stop was at the golf course where I spotted a great egret by the water.

Some colorful glass baubles set along a driveway.

A pretty red rose on a bush full of blooms.

Michelangelo's David tucked away on someone's lawn.  I hadn't seen him in the neighborhood before.

A driveway lined with those flowering pear trees.  That makes a very pretty entrance.  Thanks for coming along with me on my walk.


roentare said...

The white floral bloom is gorgeous!

Andy said...

Thanks for the tour. You always pick the best routes.

biebkriebels said...

Thanks for the walk, a lot to see!

Travel said...

Nice walk, thanks for taking us along.

RedPat said...

It felt like a nice warm walk in the sunshine which is something I could use, Sharon. Thanks.

Bill said...

A walk in the sun is always welcomed. Thanks, I enjoyed it.

Aimz said...

Good spotting the bird, it's surveying it's scene.

William Kendall said...

The egret looks stoic.

Stefan Jansson said...

A nice walk.

Steve Reed said...

I love the glass sculptures!