Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Night View


When I was at the garden last week, I stopped to take a night time view of the Desert Wildflower Towers at the entrance to the garden. 

They look very dramatic lit up at night.  

I'm so glad that the garden invested in these beautiful Chihuly sculptures all those years ago.


Travel said...

Neat place, we should take more photos at night,

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice to see.

biebkriebels said...

What some lights can make a difference!

RedPat said...

Your shots are fantastic, Sharon.

Bill said...

Beauty for the eyes, very pretty.

roentare said...

Post-modernist art

Gemel said...

They are very striking when lit up.

William Kendall said...

They are beautiful.

Catalyst said...

Judy was house-and cat-sitting over at Gayle's home this past week and spent a wonderful period of time going through a thick book on her coffee table of Chihuly's work through the years. She said it appeared to be a very expensive book and probably was a gift from her former significant other and current friend. Modern life and romance is so difficult for we old-timers to understand.

Steve Reed said...

They're very dramatic against that black sky!

Aimz said...

Worth seeing at night as well as in the day.