Friday, December 16, 2022

Amazing Skies


These photos were all taken by my friends Julie and Dave.  Their house affords them a much better view of the skies than at my house.  These photos were all from last Tuesday when we were having some on-and-off rain all day long.  

Around 5:00 PM, near sunset the clouds started to take on color.

At one time, Julie even caught a rainbow.

For just a minute or two, the clouds were all a brilliant pink and making everything around them glow with a pinkish light.  It was some of the most dramatic skies I've seen in a long time.  

Thanks Julie and Dave for capturing these fantastic photos and sharing them.  


Gemel said...

Incredible colours.

Aimz said...

That's pretty impressive looks like the sky is on fire.

Travel said...

Wow, the pink is really vivid.

Andy said...

I wish I were there. That sky is overwhelming.

RedPat said...

They captured some incredible skies, Sharon.

William Kendall said...


Catarina said...

I have never seen skies like that.
I do thank your friends as well for letting you share these fabulous pictures with us.

Bill said...

Incredible looking skies, beautiful.

biebkriebels said...

Wow you captured some splendid skies there!

roentare said...

The clouds and light are surreal

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Desert rain is rare and beautiful. I love it when the falling rain and mist pick up the sky colors. Beautiful!

Catalyst said...

They seem to have caught a true "cloudburst"!

The Happy Whisk said...

That last one is wow, wow, wow. So cool. Love the rainbow too.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! Those are incredible shots! They are so fortunate to have such a wonderful (and changeable) view.