Saturday, November 19, 2022

Watching the Birds


I have some more bird-spotting photos today starting with this rather shaggy looking cardinal.  He must have been in the process of shedding some feathers.  He is looking a bit tattered. 

Here is one of those peach-faced lovebirds that have made the desert their home.  You can tell I snapped this one in the spring because that saguaro cactus is full of fruit.  

Here us a house finch perched on some cactus fruit.  This one has a brilliant, blushing face and chest.  

Here we have a group of starlings gathered high up on the branches of a century plant. 

The world would be a bit duller without these feathered beauties to entertain us.


roentare said...

These birding photos are very nice!

Andy said...

Only one word entered my mind... awesome! That also includes the starlings.

William Kendall said...

Lovely birds!

RedPat said...

Great shots, Sharon. The poor Cardinal was not looking his best - he will be happy when the new feathers grow in.

Travel said...

I am always amazed at the colors in the feathers, some are brilliant, some subtle, some sparkle.

Catarina said...

Gorgeous birds!

Steve Reed said...

Starlings are definitely entertaining. We get such a kick out of watching them on our bird feeders.

Bill said...

Beautiful birds!

Linda Sue said...

WOW these are such fabulous shots- i wonder if we live on the same planet- you and I? My bird photos look like dirt.

Aimz said...

And it looks like they are watching you too

Gemel said...

One of my favourite things to do is watching birds.