Thursday, August 25, 2022

A Sign From Up Above


Looking out the airplane window, this sight was my first hint that something was wrong.  When I flew to California last week, my plane took off on time and as we were gaining altitude, it appeared to me that we were swinging north when our destination was straight west.  That's when I spotted this scene looking  down on Sun City which is recognizable by its distinctive circle pattern.  My first thought was that I might have gotten on the wrong flight.  The flight path to Orange County California, does not go anywhere near Sun City.  Shortly after I noticed this, there was an announcement from the flight deck that we were headed back to Phoenix because of a mechanical issue.  Once we landed, the maintenance crew came aboard and determined that we shouldn't fly in that plane so, everyone got off the plane and we were directed to another gate where we waited to board a different plane.  All in all, it took 6 hours to get to California when it should have taken about 55 minutes.  The good thing is that we finally got to our destination safe and sound.  The other good thing is that there were no complaints from any of the passengers.  Everyone took it in their stride with a mixture of laughter and smiles.  


biebkriebels said...

What an experience! I hope you have your luggage with you in the other plane!

Andy said...

How lucky can you get? Nice to have you back Sharon.

Travel said...

Nice photo, flying is sometimes an adventure

RedPat said...

I'm not a great flyer so that would have freaked me out a bit.

William Kendall said...

Great view though.

Gemel said...

Great view, but I am sure I would have got back on a plane after that happening.

Catalyst said...


Aimz said...

oh gosh, that's a bit scary but at least they got you back safe.

Steve Reed said...

Yeah, it's ALWAYS better to be on a safer plane!