Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Theme Day: Power


The City Daily Photo Bloggers theme for February 1st is "Power," a word that can be interpreted in many ways.  I chose the "electrical" interpretation.  I actually photographed this power pole at the first part of January when I went to Taliesin West to see their part of the Chihuly in the Desert exhibit.  We don't see many power lines like this around the city.  Almost all local power lines are now under ground.  However, Taliesin sits in a sort of rural island so these power lines appear to bring power to the place.  It's quite a contraption, isn't it?

To see other interpretations of power, click here.


Andy said...


Travel said...

Had one of those in the back yard when I was growing up. Underground is more reliable.

William Kendall said...

Fairly common in the country here.

RedPat said...

They are everywhere here. We had the same idea for the theme, Sharon!

Bill said...

We see them here too. Great shot for the theme.

Allison said...

Washington State, with their wind storms and now, has a shocking amount of above ground power. Phoenix is smarter.

Gemel said...

Great shot Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Powerful! (I can't believe no one's said that yet, but Andy came close.)

Aimz said...

Most of ours are underground here too except in the smaller rural towns they tend to look like that.