Saturday, February 5, 2022



Many of you have probably heard on the news that the Washington Football Club officially changed its name this last week to the Washington Commanders.  For many years they have been criticized for their clearly racist former name and finally it has been changed.  I saw this art piece at the Heard Museum recently.  It was created by artist Steven Paul Judd in collaboration with filmmaker Donick Carey.  Carey and his son Otis traveled the country working to undo the racism of their favorite football team and they created a film called "Hail to the Breadsticks" about their adventure.  The film premiered last November.  As you can see, the piece includes a mound of souvenirs and memorabilia depicting the old name.  The artist has arranged it so that the light shining on it spells out the word "Change" on the wall behind it.


Andy said...

This is something has been long over due. There's a lot of other teams out there that are changing their name.

Travel said...

Long overdue change. Now the owners are dealing with misconduct issues, it might be time for a change of ownership

RedPat said...

That is a great piece, Sharon! A well overdue change of names.

Bill said...

It's about time, the Cleveland Indians also changed their name to the Cleveland Guardians. A welcomed change indeed.

Aimz said...

I wasn't sure what their previous name was I had to look it up, yes it is a welcome change.

William Kendall said...

Very unusual. And a welcome change.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like the "Change" shadow. Very cool!

Catalyst said...

Very clever.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! That shadow is awesome! I hadn't realized the team changed its name, but yeah, it's about time.