Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Look of Fall


The look of fall comes much later here in the desert southwest.  We won't see the leaves change until late December or early January so the signs of fall come by way of decorations.  At the Desert Botanical Garden, I found these small pumpkins scattered around the garden.

Even the various "bug houses" have been decorated with little pumpkins.  Fall is in the air!


Andy said...

Without pumpkins it would not feel like autumn. They go hand in hand.

Travel said...

I am seeing a lot of the tiny decorative pumpkins around this year. I have two pie pumpkins in the kitchen I need to roast.

RedPat said...

The squirrels are having a grand time chewing on pumpkins here!

Catarina said...

These pictures are so good!!!Love the first one.

Revrunner said...

Definitely! Got to remember to bring some plants in this evening before the temperature drops.

Bill said...

Beautiful light in the first photo. Very nice!

William Kendall said...

Those are well taken.

Gemel said...

Fabulous photos Sharon

Aimz said...

I adore the bug houses, I haven't seen that many here though.

Janey and Co. said...

I so enjoy the warm colors of fall. I always feel a bit anxious though because it means Christmas is almost here!

Steve Reed said...

If they leave those pumpkins for a few more weeks they'll probably make the bugs REALLY happy.