Sunday, November 21, 2021

"Open Sesame"

 I love it when the Desert Botanical Garden grows something unusual that I can learn from.  When I saw the signs identifying this plant, I was fascinated.  I wondered where sesame seeds came from and here it is.  Those little pods are full of seeds.

It was great that the garden provided a display so you could see the broken pods and the harvest of seeds.  

So, do you like sesame seeds on your bagel or bread?  I always find them a welcome addition.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm enjoying the view of Manhattan from the plane.


biebkriebels said...

I love certainly sesame seeds on my bread!

Gemel said...

Well that was now to me too. Isn't nature simply marvellous.

Catarina said...

I use them all the time, but had never seen the plant. I learnt something new.

Travel said...

Nice display, and yes.

RedPat said...

I never really thought about where they came from. I love them on bread and other things.

Bill said...

I love sesame seeded bread. Great photo showing where they come from.

Revrunner said...

Cinammon and raisin bagels please.

William Kendall said...

I've not seen the plant before.

UFA88KH said...

You have a wonderful view out that window! I'd be gazing out instead of getting my work done!

Aimz said...

I never knew that's how they grow.

Steve Reed said...

Definitely not something I've ever seen growing!