Saturday, November 20, 2021

Chihuly Update


I went for another walk at the Desert Botanical Garden and I saw a few more Chihuly creations that have been installed.

Above are some pretty, lavender reeds and to the left is a dramatic white and gold creation. 

The blue and red reeds appear to be hiding among the desert plants.

This one is quite unusual.  I saw several like this being installed in one location.  It looks like they might be neon.  

A few more trails were closed so I know there is more construction going on. It will be fun to see them all revealed.  


Revrunner said...

My visit t the Renwick Gallery in D.C. a few years ago was my first exposure to this wonderfully creative artist.

Andy said...

I had to look up "Chihuly". The man has fantastic artistic skills.

Stefan Jansson said...

Very impressive work.

Janey and Co. said...

Oh I adore that first one! He is amazing!

Travel said...

Great stuff, I should get out there this year

William Kendall said...

These stand out beautifully.

Steve Reed said...

Wow. That neon one is BRIGHT.

Bill said...

Such amazing art, I love it.

Gemel said...

These are fabulous.

Aimz said...

I really like them, they are so different