Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Busy, Busy, Busy!


After almost two years of staying close to home, things are finally starting to happen again.  I've gotten to take two trips, one to California and one to New York and group activities are starting to open again.  

The annual Canal Convergence event in Scottsdale has been going on for the past two weekends and when I went, I saw that it was drawing a pretty big crowd of people.  That's where I saw the interesting fire on the water show and where I saw several of these bright star-like structures.  

I went to the symphony Friday night.  One of their first live performances in almost two years.  I snapped this photo before it began when the orchestra was warming up their instruments.  The Symphony made the decision to perform in symphony hall to a vaccinated crowd only.  They checked vaccination status at the door.

While life is slowly moving forward, there is still a threat out there so I for one plan to do things as safely as I can.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Good to see that you have been out with the camera at a few events.

biebkriebels said...

Lucky you, here things are not normal yet....

Andy said...

Don't worry, be happy... enjoy.

William Kendall said...

Much the same here. Vaccination requirements to get into events, other requirements. The lights are lovely.

Travel said...

NSO started back at the Kennedy Center in September, with the same full vaxed and masked rule. We have been three times. They are mixing in a new music piece in each show, spectacular.

Sami said...

That fire and light low seems great.
Glad some countries are opening up, and providing entertainment.

RedPat said...

I love the lights. Things are opening up a bit here but no big public events and masking required everywhere inside as well as vaccinations except for stores.

Catarina said...

That was a big crowd! As far as I can tell most were not wearing masks. Not wise. But I admit it is such a good feeling being able to go to restaurants, art galleries...

Steve Reed said...

It's good to be cautious, but I think we do have to balance risk and reward as we move forward. We can't all hide under a rock forever, right?

Bill said...

Nice photos of the event. It's good to appreciate these kinds of events but still be play it safe.

Revrunner said...

Past my bedtime, I'm afraid. I miss a lot turning in early. :-)

Aimz said...

Glad you're still keeping safe, it would be nice to get back to doing things we use to enjoy.

Gemel said...

Fabulous lights.