Friday, November 12, 2021

Blooming Cactus


I was taking a photo of this saguaro cactus when I noticed the bloom on the cactus next to it.  

So, I pointed the camera toward the cactus with the blooms.  It's called a toothpick cactus and it is one of the few that bloom all year long.

Then I decided to zoom in on the the bloom itself.  It looks like those tiny ants are enjoying the bloom as much as I did.


Gemel said...

What a stunning flower.

biebkriebels said...

What a sweet flower.

William Kendall said...

Quite pretty.

Steve Reed said...

I bet those bugs are happy to find it! It's probably not easy to find nectar at this time of year. (Assuming that's what they're eating.)

RedPat said...

Beautiful flower on such a prickly plant, Sharon.

Bill said...

The flower is gorgeous.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Nice to see such beautiful blooms this time of year.

Aimz said...

Wish we had those here, I'd love one in my garden.