Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Pretty Little Thing


I've been sorting and editing the 550 photos I took while in California and have decided that these three are on my "favorites" list.  I was sitting and relaxing with a cool drink while enjoying the view when this little Rufous hummingbird landed on a plant close by.  I took these photos with my telephoto lens but they are hand held so I was both surprised and pleased that they turned out so beautifully.

I'm so glad this little guy was kind enough to pose for me not once but twice while I was sitting there.  I love it when things turn out so perfectly.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Handheld is the only way to go. Nicely done.

biebkriebels said...

Oh, these are beautiful photos!

William Kendall said...

A beautiful bird.

Andy said...

Nice... his colouring is charming. I am looking forward to the rest of your 550 photos.

Travel said...

Amazing, a few shots like that make the day.

Janey and Co. said...

I am very familiar with this little fellow. I have a very busy feeder on one side of our cabin. He has a reputation as a feisty little guy who likes a fight!…….but yes he is cute…and a great capture!

Gemel said...


RedPat said...

Fabulous shots, Sharon! Such a handsome creature.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! Those are terrific. You should enter them in a contest, maybe for bird or wildlife photography. You'd be a strong contender!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh, such beautiful pictures.
I love Hummers.

Catarina said...

The are fabulous pictures!!!!

Catalyst said...

Very steady hands. Must have been your *first* cool drink of the evening. 😉

Aimz said...

He looks like a very curious grumpy cute little fellow