Thursday, September 9, 2021

Immersive Van Gogh


On Monday afternoon, I joined friends at the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibition in Scottsdale.  Above is the entrance to get into the projection rooms.

The room was marked with safely distanced circles for people to sit or stand while a stream of images from Van Gogh paintings are projected all around the room.

The whole show is set to music and the images break-up into fragments and flow into other images.  In other words, it was very fluid.  

It was an interesting experience.  I enjoyed it.  It made me wonder how many people seeing this show know anything about the actual artist and his troubled life. 

I really do think that Vincent Van Gogh would be astounded by how revered his images have become and how his name has become synonymous with art itself.  He could thank his sister-in-law, Jo Van Gogh-Bonger for his ultimate fame.


Gemel said...

Absolutely fabulous!

Andy said...

Amazing art work, the man certainly had talent beyond compare.

biebkriebels said...

Oh I like that surrounding projection. Have seen such an exhibition too once, but can't remeber where it was anymore...

William Kendall said...

It's happening here too. I attended one night and enjoyed it. And my mobile battery died on me, so no shots.

Travel said...

The show is making the rounds, Spo has tickets for sometime this week.

RedPat said...

It has been here too but I gave it a miss. I'm not sure if it is still on or not.

Catarina said...

I believe there was/is something like that in Toronto.
When I visited the Musée d'Orsay in Paris, I saw more than twenty of his famous paintings, including Starry Night Over the Rhone.
I will never forget.

Steve Reed said...

It's interesting how this show seems to be playing more or less simultaneously in many different cities. We had one here in London and there was one in NYC, too.

Allison said...

Love the hummingbird photos, that was so kind of him to hold still for a photo. The Van Gogh installation looks really cool. I'm glad you got to see it.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks both fun and interesting. I so agree with you... I doubt Van Gogh would ever believe the fame he has achieved!

Stefan Jansson said...

That must have been a fun exhibition.

Catalyst said...


Aimz said...

They've had that here in various cities but sadly the exhibition didn't make it to our town but I'd love to see it.