Friday, September 3, 2021

Bird Watching at the Beach


I love watching these long-legged and long-beaked birds as they do their dance with the ocean waves.  I think I posted a photo of them the last time I was in California and I misnamed them as sand pipers.  They are actually marbled godwits and there are plenty of them on the beach at Crystal Cove. 

Sometimes they run from the waves as the water rolls in and other times they just stand and let the water roll over their long legs.  They are a joy to watch.

We've been walking on the beach every morning for the past three days. It's a great way to start the day.  


biebkriebels said...

They look special with their long beak.

Travel said...


William Kendall said...

They are very distinctive.

RedPat said...

I envy your time at the beach, Sharon! Running around like the birds.

Catarina said...

How I miss the beach...

Aimz said...

We have similar ones here, they like to peck at the sealife in among the rocks.

Gemel said...

Lovely photos.

Catalyst said...

Oh, I hate you. (No I don't, I'm just envious of your beach days.) GREAT shots of the birds.

Steve Reed said...

Those godwits have remarkable beaks!