Friday, September 10, 2021

Beyond Extravagant


A few days before I went to California to join my friend Julie, she observed this very fancy car when she was out for dinner one evening.  She new this was a very special car but at the moment had no idea how special.

It's a Bugatti.  Not just any Bugatti, but a Bugatti 16!

This is a vehicle that sells for around three million dollars.

Yup, you read that right. $3,000,000.00!

Julie took these photos and texted them to me.  We went to dinner one evening at the same place she saw the car and we hoped it might be there again.  It wasn't so I'm sharing Julie's photos.  

Even if you had a few million stashed away, would you spend that kind of money on a car?  I wouldn't. I guess you have to be a true aficionado to do that.  A truly rich aficionado.  


biebkriebels said...

Oh my, I don't know anything about cars, but this one looks very unusual with two eyes looking at you...

Andy said...

$3,000,000.00? I'll pass and leave it for the rich and famous.

Travel said...

It would get you to the next traffic light faster than anyone on the road, but what is the point? I'd sooner be comfortable than fast.

William Kendall said...

It's ego. Nothing more than ego.

RedPat said...

And even if I had bought it I would be afraid to take it out of the garage. This is for the other bit of the population. I don't understand it at all.

Catarina said...


Janey and Co. said...

Oh my! No I would never spend that much on a car. My husband likes luxury cars…but not ones that cost 3 million. Give me one that starts every time I get in and has a good air conditioner…I am happy. My husband trades his car about every three years. I drove my last one 21 years. Only reason I sold it is they quit making parts for it!

Catalyst said...


Steve Reed said...

I wonder what they get for all that money -- besides bragging rights.

Aimz said...

I've never seen anything like it. I'm guessing a millionare person owns it. I don't know if I would spend that much but I haven't been in that position to find out.