Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Tempe Apartment


Last month I posted photos of the very first place I lived when I moved to Arizona (here) and the next day I posted a photo of my first apartment (here).  I lived in that first apartment for two years and when my roommate and I were transferred to an office in Tempe Arizona, we decided to move closer to work.  We got an apartment in this complex in Tempe.  Our apartment was the one on the second floor to the left of the bushy tree. When I was living here, the paint was much lighter in shades of tan and green.  It was a large apartment with green shag carpet.  Anybody remember shag carpets? 


biebkriebels said...

Have no idea what that carpet is.

Steve Reed said...

It looks like a nice complex. I definitely remember shag carpet! When I was growing up our house was carpeted in wall-to-wall sculptured shag.

Travel said...

The apartment green shag, I remember that in an an apartment I shared with my brother in Orlando for a year or so. I hid a multitude of sins.

RedPat said...

It is hard to forget shag carpets, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

My parents moved into their home after retirement. Shag carpets everywhere. My dad made a point of getting rid of nearly all of it.

Bill said...

Shag rugs were the popular choice in the 70s, my wife's parents had them.

Aimz said...

It looks like a nice apartment building, I'd live there.

Catarina said...

They were very soft. : ))

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like a nice, clean complex. Yes, I remember shag carpeting well!

Catalyst said...

Oh, gawd yes.