Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Theme Day: When I Can Travel Again


When I can travel again, I want to make another trip to London.  I know I've been many times before but I can't seem to get enough.  I subscribe to Samuel Johnson's theory that when you tire of London, you tire of life.  It's a place with an endless supply of interesting things to see.

I'm actually planning a trip maybe this fall but most likely in the spring and I'll include a little 2 day side trip to Bruges Belgium too.  The trip is a work in progress at this time.  

To see where other City Daily Photo Bloggers are waiting to travel click here.  


biebkriebels said...

London is a great place to visit, have been there several times from a young girl on. It is easy to travel to, by ferry boat or plain and now even by train through a tunnel under the Canal.

William Kendall said...

I'd love to see London someday.

Travel said...

The Museum of Natural History in London, I have not seen it, but the photos of the space are amazing.

Stefan Jansson said...

Never been there but it would of course be fun to visit one day.

RedPat said...

I love London too but can't imagine being on a plane for a long while.

Susie of Arabia said...

Great shot of Big Ben. I do love London - and I've always wanted to go to Bruges. One day, hopefully.

Andy said...

I am hoping that things open up here. I'd like to see my family in Nova Scotia.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Absolutely agree Sharon, London is a wonderful city to visit. I haven't been to Bruges but have heard that it is fantastic, maybe one day 💜

Bill said...

Never been to London but would love to go someday.

Steve Reed said...

It's exciting to have something on the horizon, and of course I couldn't agree more with you and Samuel Johnson. :) I have never been to Bruges but Dave and I have talked about it for ages. We really need to go.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Travel overseas is not some ting on my mind at the moment but I can see see other peoples photos from where they live

MONK said...
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Aimz said...

Who knows when the world can open the borders again, I think we're all wondering the same thing.

Catarina said...

London is a beautiful city.
I wouldn't mind going back.