Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Biggest Change


The biggest change that was made to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel was the addition of this new outside bar. You can't tell from this photo that it is surrounded by a water filled moat making the bar look like it's on an island.

Directly behind where I was standing to take the first photo is this new pool area.  This new pool has been designated the "adult" pool while the old pool is now the family pool. All of this has been added to the large open space that used to separate the main hotel from the other buildings where rooms are located. I posted some photos from this area a couple of years ago when I had the opportunity to spend a weekend here.  

In another area of the hotel we found this collection of Frank Lloyd Wright "sprites" that have been added to the gardens.  They reminded me of the Chinese Terracotta Army in a way.


Stefan Jansson said...

A bit thinner than the Chinese army but I see the resemblance.

biebkriebels said...

I didn't know he made sculptures too.

William Kendall said...

Marvelous additions.

Travel said...

A place to add to the list to see next visit.

Andy said...

Just the kind of place I would love to explore.

RedPat said...

I love those FLW pieces, Sharon!

Revrunner said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Lots of changes Sharon, the 'army' of sprites is impressive, I also didn't realise he designed sculptures 💜

Steve Reed said...

"Sprite" is an interesting word to describe those figures. They seem very solemn to me, and not very "spritely."

Bill said...

Great additions, the figures look fabulous.

Catalyst said...

The similarity seems to indicate they were all turned out from a mold.

Allison said...

They remind me of the women from The Handmaiden's Tale.

Catarina said...

I wouldn't mind visiting the place...

Aimz said...

i love the sprites, yes I can see what you mean about their resemblance though.

Susie of Arabia said...

Just beautiful. They really did a nice job.