Friday, June 4, 2021

More Fearless Fashion


Here are a few more fashions from the "Fearless Fashion" exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum that I featured yesterday.  

I liked that outfit on the left in the top photo.  The peacock patterned tights and dress were complemented by actual peacock feathers in the headpiece.  

This newsprint fabric for this outfit is very unique.  It looks like another dress with collar that can become a mask.

This "school boy" design was kind of cute.  

Rudi Gernreich's designs helped shape "mod" 60's fashion.  During this period of time, my mother actually made a lot of my clothes.  I think many of the patterns she used were based on some of these designs.  


William Kendall said...

Your second shot is my favourite.

Travel said...

How fun, the matching tights are unique.

Thérèse said...

A lot of originality in these shapes and patterns! In the bodies' positions too.

Catarina said...

It is nice to be out and about, isn't it?
I would go to that museum to see that fashion display.

RedPat said...

These clothes still stand up and many of them could be worn today.

Steve Reed said...

I could see someone wearing some of these designs even now. They're pretty innovative and fresh.

Your mom must have made you pretty mod clothes!

Steve Reed said...

Interesting side note: I believe the model wearing the checked dress in the adjacent photo is Peggy Moffitt, who was a big name in the '60s and worked with Gernreich quite a bit. Maybe the exhibit mentioned her.

Bill said...

The newsprint outfit is interesting. The designer was ahead of the times.

Aimz said...

I like anything that is different so I would enjoy this.