Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Looking Up!


Here is another set of photos that I forgot about.  I took these back in February before restrictions started loosening up.  I was driving around downtown Phoenix looking for things to photograph and I decided to point the camera skyward and grab some architectural details.

There are all kinds of interesting contrasts between styles and shapes.   With the ASU campus downtown, there is always some construction going on as you can see a glimpse of in the far left of this photo.

There is also some contrast between the old and the new.  I think I should go downtown and look again.  I bet I can find even more interesting contrasts.  


biebkriebels said...

That second photo looks almost like Dutch architecture...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love all the contrasts in architectural style Sharon. What a super series of captures, we don't look up nearly often enough! Gorgeous blue skies also ⏫

Travel said...

Neat city

Andy said...

I like the last photo. Nice to see that the oldie is still standing.

William Kendall said...

The last is my favourite.

Catarina said...

You do that and than show us. : )

RedPat said...

It is fun to discover all the contrasts, Sharon!

Bill said...

Great shots, Sharon!

Aimz said...

Nice to see one older building, that green is a good standout colour

Steve Reed said...

Nice shots and a good eye for contrasts!