Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Garden at Night


I have a few more shots from that evening I spent at the Desert Botanical Garden for the Luminarias event.  The  big hill to the south of the garden was lit up with lights.

The yucca and aloes were lit with colored lights.  They kind of look like fireworks in this photo.

It was magical walking along the lighted paths especially when the trees were twinkling with lights too.

To the right is one of several very large candle holders that were set up all around the garden.  I'm glad I went.  


Steve Reed said...

The yuccas DO look like fireworks! I initially thought that first photo was taken in some peculiar daylight. said...

So beautiful, I've never seen anything like that...

Thérèse said...

You captured the whole thing.

biebkriebels said...

A fairy tail!

Andy said...

It is a whole different world out there when night arrives. It is a great time for photography.

Travel said...

I need to go out at night more often. Wonderful images, love the fireworks.

RedPat said...

Magical is the word that came to my mind, Sharon! Wonderful shots.

Bill said...

Beautiful captures, Sharon.

Aimz said...

I would love to get one of those tea light candle holders like in the photo, now that would really stand out.

Karl said...

Interesting night shots and details, Sharon !