Thursday, January 7, 2021

Something I Never Thought I'd See


I had a different post ready for this morning but I felt compelled to move it to another day because yesterday turned out to be a day that will go down in American history.  I spent the day with that tingly, nervous, jittery feeling that I had on 9/11 almost twenty years ago.  What I watched on the news coming from Washington DC was something I thought I would never see.  

I've known from the beginning that our president was not fit for office and I've been appalled as he unfurled one chaotic situation after another.  And I've been dismayed as his loyal followers became more and more irrational.  I admit that I've been a bit on edge ever since the November election simply because of all the people who believe a perfectly normal, completely well run election was some how fraudulent.  I watched yesterday morning as congress started the process of certifying our election eager to see a bit of history unfold.  I did not expect to see a completely different bit of history. A very horrible piece of history and one I will never forget.

As I write this, congress has reconvened and the election will be certified.  Good riddance 45!


Thérèse said...

What else is to say? Irrational! surreal! 4 people killed! Let's turn the page.

Andy said...

Wednesday, January 20, 2021. It's Over For Trump!

biebkriebels said...

I hope Trump will leave very soon now.....

Steve Reed said...

I'm with you. I knew the march would be chaotic but I never imagined this would happen. My question is, HOW did those people get inside a fortified government building, the very inner sanctum of American democracy?

RedPat said...

It certainly looks as if the Capital isn't very well protected.

Janey and Co. said...

I had a very similar response as you did. Thank you for your words. Onward and upward!

Travel said...

I woke up at 3:30 AM and turned the TV on to watch the last 20 minutes of the process. There is so much to say - words fail me.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I was shocked last night and gob smacked this morning at what the morons were like. Lost for words

Bill said...

A very sad day for America.

Aimz said...

Yes we were watching it here, unbelievable.

William Kendall said...

He is the worst human being alive today.