Sunday, January 3, 2021

Neighborhood Walk


I took a walk in the neighborhood directly behind me called the Biltmore Estates.  I've pictured some of the huge homes back there before on this blog.  This time I have one that has an appealing symmetry to it.  It's well balanced in both style and landscaping.  

The owners of this house behind these gates have added those giant numbers to the gate recently.  This was the first time I noticed that gold "75" on the gate.

I also took a photo of my favorite tree in the area.  It is only now starting to turn colors.  I'll have to go back soon and see if it's starting to shed those leaves. 

This tree in another location was getting a very pretty red glow to it.

As I've said before, our desert climate shortens the tree cycle. As soon as these leaves fall, the new buds will start to show.  It's one of the advantages of our climate.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm taking a close look at some interesting sculptures.


William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots.

Catarina said...

That was a productive walk!

Travel said...

I love the subtlety of the change of seasons in a warmer climate. That first house, looks more like a country club, or small hotel

Janey and Co. said...

The landscaping is beautiful. I especially like your favorite tree. It is shaped perfectly. Happy New year...

RedPat said...

I thought that first house was a shopping centre. It is so nice to see the trees turning colour!

Steve Reed said...

Nice red tree!

Revrunner said...

So ol' St. Nick could know what address he was at no doubt. :-)

Bill said...

Great shots, Sharon. I like the red on the changing tree.
That first house is huge, I wonder how many people live there.

Aimz said...

Nice seeing trees where you live, I like the colours of Autumn.

Gemel said...

That first photo is quite stunning. Lovely sharing your walks.

Susie of Arabia said...

I really love the first photo of the palm trees and the fountain. I love the red colors of the trees too.

Thérèse said...

You never can figure out how big are these kind of houses are really inside but I must admit it's quite a showy home.