Sunday, January 17, 2021

Friendly Cactus Wren


I was pointing my camera at some purple flowers when this little cactus wren hopped right up to me and gave me a curious look.  It was like he was saying "what are you doing?"

And then he turned to the side and posed that way for a while, as if to say "Oh, you're taking pictures.  Well this is my best side."  Sometimes nature's little critters can be very cooperative.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Driving a Ferrari can get you special treatment.


Gemel said...

Oh my goodness, how adorable.

Andy said...

Sharon when it comes to birds you have special skills. I think they like you. ~(‾▿‾)~

Travel said...

Isn't he pretty, time for my morning walk

Catarina said...

I don't think I have seen one of those.
Great close-ups!

Karl said...

Nice little one !

Steve Reed said...

Great shots, especially the second one, where he's displaying his markings so well. :)

Bill said...

What a cutie! He took the opportunity to go worldwide when he saw you. :)

Cloudia said...

Can feel your good heart <3

Revrunner said...

I think wrens, after roadrunners, are among my favorite birds.

RedPat said...

He's a cutie, Sharon!

Catalyst said...

It doesn't look very friendly in that first photo.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Little sweetheart isn't it, lovely capture Sharon ✨

William Kendall said...

He's very good company.

Aimz said...

curious lovely little bird.

Thérèse said...

Such a nice team work!