Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Exciting Monday Weather


We had a cloudy and raining weekend and Monday started with grey skies and more rain.  Around 2:00 it got a bit crazy for a while.  Wild wind that was rattling my windows and then snow and ice started. The was even a bit of lightening and thunder. I snapped a few photos looking at the street behind me and the pile of snow forming on my balcony.

Looking out from my balcony I could see white covering the ground below and tire tracks in the parking lot.

Julie sent a photo from her house where snow was covering her extensive garden.

And, my friend Glenda sent a photo from her back yard.

It was pretty exciting for a while.  We don't get to see this kind of weather very often.  


Andy said...

Extreme weather seems to be the new normal.

biebkriebels said...

Snow all over the world it seems, but it comes and disappears inmediately.

Travel said...

You have had as much snow this winter as we have in the close in DC burbs

Susie of Arabia said...

Snow in Phoenix? Wow! Highly unusual - but very exciting!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh you lucky duck Sharon! I would have thought snow in Phoenix would be as rare as snow in Perth 😉 how fabulous!

RedPat said...

I'm amazed. We have no snow on the ground although it is supposed to start here within the hour and we are getting about 5" of it.

William Kendall said...


Bill said...

Never would have guess you getting snow. Weather is behaving strange.

Steve Reed said...


Gemel said...

Lucky you! How I miss the snow.

Thérèse said...

A milestone for Phoenix.

Catarina said...

I can understand your excitement. : )

Aimz said...

Love a good storm, no chance of ice or hail here though, is that an Agave in the photo?