Sunday, January 10, 2021

Everybody Loves a Pretty Fountain


What is it about fountains that we find so attractive?  It probably has something to do with the artistry of the water flow and the rushing sound it makes.  In Scottsdale along the paths at the area called the Scottsdale Waterfront is this fountain.  

It sits right in the middle of one of the walking paths so it can't be missed.  And, I can't imagine why anyone would want to miss it.  It draws me in for a closer look every time I'm there.  

So if I can't be sitting on the beach right now, sitting next to a fountain will have to do.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting an Arizona town with an unusual name.


Andy said...

The sound of running water is so soothing. Just looking at you photo put my mind at peace.

biebkriebels said...

I agree with Andy, you want to come closer and listen to the sound of water.

Travel said...

Water is essential for survival, maybe there is something in our reptile brains that draws us in.

Steve Reed said...

I bet being in the southwest, the sound of rushing water is especially nice.

RedPat said...

Always a pleasant sight, Sharon!

Aimz said...

Waterfalls have that nice rushing water sound, people here cool down in them on hot days.

Bill said...

Fountains soothe your mind and soul. I love the sound of water moving around.

Revrunner said...

It is a very lovely fountain with its multiple levels.

William Kendall said...


Thérèse said...

Just the sound helps to think of brighter days.

orvokki said...

This fountain is really beautiful.