Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Little Variety


I have a little variety in my photos today.  Above is a colorful bus stop I saw in the city of Mesa a while ago.  I like the bright colors.

To the left is a fellow I spotted in a shop window in Scottsdale.  I took this back in April on one of my walks just after the first lockdown started.  I thought this guy was a funny parody of life during pandemic isolation.  Luckily, I never succumbed to sitting in front of the TV with plates of food.

Above is a set of spinner chairs that were on the Mesa Art Center grounds.  I wasn't sure what they were until a little kid came running over and jumped in one and started spinning.  I didn't try it.  I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to get out without help.

The photo to the right was taken last January at this time when I met a friend at AZ88 for a martini. day we'll be able to do that again.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting the 'other' Bellagio. 


Andy said...

Thank you for the variety. Makes me want to get out away from the lockdown here.

Catarina said...

I liked this variety!!
I got up and wondered... what can I do today that is different from yesterday but still safe? How I miss meeting friends, going to restaurants...

Travel said...

Wonderful colors and light.

RedPat said...

I crave being able to get out and about instead of being home or going for short local walks. Love the bus stop And those chairs.

Steve Reed said...

I like the bus stop. Is the guy with all the food a sculpture for sale? Surely no one would BUY it. Could you imagine having that sitting in your house? LOL

Bill said...

A wonderful variety. I love the bus stop, first thing I thought of was google bus. :)

William Kendall said...

The last shot is my favourite.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love this diverse and colourful series here Sharon, hopefully soon you will be enjoying martinis with friends again 🍸🍸

Aimz said...

I'm loving the bus stop, wish ours were a little bit more interesting.

Susie of Arabia said...

Nice collection of photos, Sharon. I too am looking forward to resuming my life. I just got my 2nd dose of the vaccine a couple days ago, so I may start venturing out a bit more soon.

Thérèse said...

Your second picture reminded me instantly the movie called "Blow out" and made me laugh.