Saturday, August 8, 2020

Train Derailment


Some of you might have heard about the train derailment that happened on July 29th in Tempe. It happened as the train was crossing this railroad bridge.  The bridge was built in 1912, the same year that Arizona became a state.  
On August 2nd, they demolished the end of the bridge that was damaged so on Thursday I took a drive to Tempe to see if I could see anything interesting. I couldn't. I couldn't even get close. All the streets I knew would give me a view were closed.
It looks like they've already made some progress in reconstruction. I zoomed in to see the workers. Those big lights make it look like they might be working round the clock.

If you would like to see some images from the actual crash, click here.


biebkriebels said...

OMG that was a ravage, must take some time to repair.

Travel said...

That kind of a fire can really do damage, if it a mainline for freight, unless there are good bypasses, there will be a lot of pressure to rebuild. There are a couple of contractors that specialize in doing that kind of work.

William Kendall said...

That is a huge job.

Andy said...

The derailment made the TV news here north of the border. The good new is none of the train's crew were hurt.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh my gosh Sharon just looked at the link, what a shocking derailment! The bridge is pretty old, will be interesting to see how they redesign it. Read Andy's comment above, thank goodness the crew were ok, very lucky they were ✨

RedPat said...

It was so lucky that no one was hurt!

Steve Reed said...

I hadn't heard about this incident, but I'm sure it will take some time to fix!

Janey and Co. said...

I had not heard about this. Guess we never know when old bridges are going to create trouble.

Bill said...

What a huge derailment. I read the article that said two workers were sprayed with a chemical when unhooking a hose but it's not life threatening. They will be working on that cleanup for a while.

Revrunner said...

One of the things I'm looking for in a new administration is a commitment to rebuild our aging and deteriorating infrastructure.

Aimz said...

no I didn't hear about it but I hope no one was hurt.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I remember reading about it. Lot of work to fix and good job you could zoom in

Catarina said...

I did't know about it.
If they are working around the clock, it won't take long to have it fixed.

Kay said...

That can't be good.

Bob Crowe said...

I don't think of the PHX area as a railroad city like us, Chicago or Kansas City. But of course you need them. Do parts of the Southwest get so hot that the rails deform or break apart?

Susie of Arabia said...

Didn't hear about it in Saudi Arabia! LOL. Glad no one was hurt!