Monday, August 10, 2020

The Fading Camel

Obviously, this mural has been on this wall for a very long time but for some reason I just recently saw it.  It is on the side wall of a Middle Eastern Bakery that I've never been in before but I have heard very good things about it.  Someone recently told me they find all kinds of unusual spices there.  It looks like parts of the original mural have been painted over for some reason.  The guy on the flying carpet is a nice touch.

I need to stop in here one day and see what exotic delights they have for sale.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.


William Kendall said...

Very appealing.

biebkriebels said...

It looks nice, well painted.

Travel said...

Could be interesting, a little faded around the edges, I imagine the climate is hard on things.

Andy said...

I am guessing that is Aladdin on the flying carpet. \(ˆ˚ˆ)/

RedPat said...

I bet you find some nice treats in there, Sharon! I like the soft mural.

Steve Reed said...

I sometimes like murals more when they've been partly painted over or become weathered -- when they've "lived a little." They gain character!

Stefan Jansson said...

Nice one.

Bill said...

That's a very nice find!

Revrunner said...

That's fun!

Aimz said...

I like it, it's an amusing way of showing there's parking.

Catalyst said...

Yes, it looks intriguing.

Kay said...

This looks like the kind of exploring I like to do. I've picked up a few Middle Eastern spices for some recipes but because they're not part of my usual cooking I don't always have confidence to throw them into things. It's been fine when I've improvised, though.

Sami said...

I like the flying carpet :) Thanks for participating Sharon.

Catarina said...

Yes, the flying carpet is a nice touch. :)

Susie of Arabia said...

Yes, yes, yes! You MUST go inside one day and show me what they offer! I do love the camel murals too, of course!