Sunday, August 23, 2020

Storm Damage

The storm we had last Thursday night caused little patches of damage around town.  Fortunately, it was nothing like the folks on the east coast experienced.  Many of our native trees are prone to losing branches when the wind whips up.  That's what happened here where I live.  A big branch came crashing down on the carport cover.  The groundskeepers were out on Saturday to clean up the mess.

I noticed this rather confusing traffic light yesterday when I made a trip to the grocery store.  I'm not sure if the wind did this or if vandals twisted that traffic light around.  Whatever happened, it makes you think twice before entering the intersection.  There were several parts of town that had their electricity down for parts of the night but luckily, mine stayed on.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm going back in time again, this time to Germany.


Travel said...

The wind will move the traffic signals around. I hope no one's car was damaged with the tree down on the roof.

Janey and Co. said...

I am thinking that that traffic light would surely confuse me too. Happy that you didn’t have any damage.

I enjoyed hearing about your job when you were driving all over northern Nevada and Utah. ...Janey

Bill said...

The traffic light does convey confusion. I hope no one's car got damaged in the carport.

RedPat said...

It seems to have been a windy year. I wonder if it is due to climate change?

Steve Reed said...

Yikes. I hope someone gets that light fixed promptly!

Catarina said...

This has been a difficult year so far...

Andy said...

Crazy traffic light.

Revrunner said...

Even though we haven't had anywhere near the kinds of violent storms you've been having, we still have people doing similar cleanup from previous storms.

Kay said...

Looks like the storm did some mischief.
Seems like Mother Nature is making sure she gets her fair share of attention these days.

Aimz said...

I'm not quite sure about that traffic light, it sure is confusing but I'm glad you didn't get a major storm there.

William Kendall said...

It's been a crazy year.