Thursday, July 9, 2020

Purple Hair & Other Sightings

Today I have another collections of random shots that have been sitting in my photo folders.  First up, a pretty purple hat to go with some decidedly purple hair.

Above is a family of clay meerkats that I spotted in someone's yard.  They are such cute little fellows.

To the left, an interesting bench that is designed to resemble a clothes pin.  It's located in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel.

A wicked looking motorcycle that I found parked in front of the shop next to my dry cleaners.  It looks like something Batman would ride, doesn't it?

Above we have an example of what that powerful Arizona sun does to our street signs after they've been exposed for a few years.  I noticed recently that this one has since been replaced.

Who knows what prompted me to take the photo to the left.  It must have been that cute little red bottle shaped can.


biebkriebels said...

it is a fun variety of photo's, where would be without the archives in Corona times?

Andy said...

Interesting selection. I see on the news that Arizona has reported a increase in the number of current covid-19 hospitalizations. Be careful and stay safe.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super series of randoms Sharon, the purple hair made me smile 😊 The meerkat family is too cute, love the jaunty neckerchief on, maybe dad 😀

RedPat said...

Love the Meerkats, Sharon! The street sign is amazing.

Revrunner said...

From the condition that motorcycle appears to be in, it would seem it doesn't get out of the bat cave too often. :-)

Bill said...

Nice variety of photos. I like the clothespin bench, how unique.

Steve Reed said...

I love the purple hat with the purple hair! That's a great catch. That is some SERIOUSLY purple hair, too!

I remember the first time I got one of those aluminum bottles. It blew my mind! (Mine contained beer, though. :) )

I love the clothespin bench! The moon above it reminds me of the moon that got a rocket in his eye in the movie "Le Voyage dans la Lune."

Kay said...

I worked for a short while at a private zoo. There was an enclosure with a family of meerkats. They and the giraffes were my favorite "co-workers."

I remember when people had blue or purple hair only by mistake. I don't think I'm ready to do it intentionally.

Aimz said...

That's a good collection of things you saw on your travels, I like the moon the best.

Catalyst said...

They're all great but I love that family of meerkats.

Catarina said...

I liked this set of shots.
Coca Cola was smart... Red is the colour!!

Sami said...

Love meerkats, they are so cute. We also have meerkat statues on the South Perth foreshore.
The clothes peg bench is unusual and quite pretty.
Melting signs, wow, never seen that before.

William Kendall said...

The meerkats make you look twice.